Thursday, September 9, 2010

Going to Space

This body of work was meant to display ten Photographs that I would want to take with me if I were to go to space, and I was unable to take anything or anyone with me. I tend to be someone who attaches to my heritage and the people in my family. I included an image of a cow skull that my grandmother had painted. My family has Sioux indian heritage, and I feel that this skull enables me to stay connected to not only my heritage but memories that I have with my family. I included images of my dogs and a blanket, because these things inspire a feeling of comfort and companionship for me. I also felt that while I was in space I might need an escape from the mundane, so I included an image of books that I have read. I have always found that books provide me with a feeling of ease an escape that I have not been able to find elsewhere. I felt that if I were able to look at the image of the books I would be able to take myself back not only to the characters and scenes in the books, but also the memory of where I was, what I was experiencing, and the emotions that were invoked while I read. Lastly, I included images that would take me back to my boyfriend. We have just starting living together, and our schedules are very different. We don't get to spend a lot of time together, so I cherish the moments that we do. (Even though they are often simply moments where he sleep next to me while I watch TV on the couch.) Everyday, he comes home, takes off his shirt, and places it on the ottoman. I find this incredibly irritating, but I think if I were away this would give me an image where I might find solace.

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