This project would be one with more of an environmental feel to it. I would like to go to local landfills and photograph the waste that we create in Tucson. I don’t think that I should have a problem getting into the landfills or photographing in them. It seems to me so far that the only time special permission is needed to be in one of these places is when you are actually dumping something. I feel that I would be able to document the amount of waste (I am still unsure if it would be considered a large or small amount of waste) in an interesting way.
I think that this would be a good location to shoot in because I often find items that have been discarded as interesting and often unworthy of being thrown away. I think that it would be very interesting to see what people throw away over the next couple of months.
There are a few paths that I think that this project could take: If I am able to capture images of items that people would still use, I would like to create diptych images of the discarded item and something similar being sold at a yard sale or second hand store. I think this would be a good way to display the idea of waste, and I think this is something that is very important given our current economic climate. If I am unable to do this I still think that it would be interesting to document the state of the landfill: the people who come, the way it looks, how much it costs, maybe illegal dumping spots that do not require payment, etc. I think that there are a lot of interesting directions that this project could take, and I believe it would result in something I have yet to have previously documented.
The first step I would take with this project would be to go to the landfill for a few days in a row and see what I ended up capturing during these shoots. After this preliminary step, I think I would be able to more accurately decide which way this project wants to go. I don’t anticipate too many problems with bringing this project to fruition other than a possible lack of subjects to shoot.
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